
    Bulk Up On Fiber!

    Published on Oct 10 2017

    del monte life gets better bulk up on fiber

    Fiber is a natural component of plant-based food that plays an important role in having a healthy digestive system. When inside the digestive tract, fiber bulks up like a sponge giving you a feeling of being full. At the same time, fiber traps cholesterol and cleanses it out of the body. Consequently, a high-fiber diet can help reduce a person's risk for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

    The recommended dietary fiber intake per day for adults is 20-25 grams. Thus, eating more food that's naturally high in fiber is needed to meet this requirement. To give you ideas on how to bulk up on fiber,we listed down some good food sources:

    del monte life gets better bulk up on fiber

    Whole grains
    Considered as a high-fiber source are the whole grain products, such as barley, bran flakes, and whole wheat. Whole grains are said to be one of the easiest ways to get your fiber as they are readily available in any household and grocery stores.

    del monte life gets better bulk up on fiber

    Some examples of legumes include split peas, lentils, soy beans, kidney beans, lima beans,mung beans and black beans. A cup of these legumes contains 10-30 grams of fiber.

    del monte life gets better bulk up on fiber

    Oats have a good mix of soluble fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol, and insoluble fiber that helps keep your digestion functioning smoothly. Every 100 grams of oatmeal contains 10.5 grams of fiber. When consumed, this fiber-rich food stays longer in your stomach, making you feel fuller over a longer period of time.

    del monte life gets better bulk up on fiber

    Sweet Potatoes
    This starchy root vegetable has the ability to potentially improve blood sugar regulation. With 4.6grams of fiber in every 100-gram sweet potato, it also helps steady the pace of digestion.

    del monte life gets better bulk up on fiber

    Full of dietary fiber, okra is good for digestive health and colon health. Every 100g of Okra provides 3.6 grams of fiber. The fiber it provides can help clean out the gastrointestinal system,which allows the colon to work efficiently. Likewise, okra contains Vitamin A that helps the digestive tract work more appropriately.

    Fiber-Fortified Fruit Juices
    For those with hectic lifestyles, an easy way to get your fiber fix is through fiber-fortified juices like Del Monte Fiber Enriched 100% Pineapple Juice. One 240mL can contains 4 grams of dietary fiber equivalent to a 200-gram bowl of salad. Don't forget to get the right dose of fiber every day!

    5 Top Natural Sources of Fiber,
    Chart of High-Fiber Foods,
    Health Benefits of Oatmeal,
    The Top Fiber-Rich Foods List,
    Food Itself Is A Miracle Medicine,
    Eat Camote, Keep Your Heart Healthy,,-keep-your-heart-healthy
    Okra And Diabetes,
