Fitness and Fun With Zumba
Published on Dec 05 2015
Bored with endless reps of that belly-blasting exercise? Tired of waiting in line for your favorite machine at the gym? If you're ready to shake up your fitness routine and swivel your hips toward a fitter you, it's time for you try Zumba!
Zumba may seem like the newest fitness craze and just another trendy workout, but Zumba has been around since 2001 and is taught in over 150 countries. This dance fitness program has helped over ten million people get into better shape already. You may still be wondering: Can a dance fitness program really help me break a sweat and burn calories?
Don't Let the “Dance” in Dance Fitness Scare You
Zumba is for everyone — no matter what shape, size, gender, or age! It's a fun and challenging workout! No need to point your toes or outperform the person next to you; it's all about keeping your body moving! Each song begins with basic steps that are easy to follow while the energy, speed, and difficulty build up as the song goes on. If you need to catch your breath, you can always bring yourself back to the basic steps.
Hardcore Cardio
Zumba classes are designed to provide an effective cardio workout within a short amount of time — an hour at most. Quick rhythms and moves keep your heart rate up alternating with slower beats and steps to maintain a demanding but not at a heart-burning pace. It's so important to keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the session and a healthy bottle of Del Monte Fit 'n Right Pineapple Juice Drink will be the perfect partner to fuel your party workout!
It's a Party Not a Workout!
Zumba incorporates music and dance influences from all over the world. In just one hour your taste for international styles will be satisfied by the fusion of Latin dance and music, thanks to Zumba creator and Colombian native Beto Perez. You'll be a natural at the salsa, cumbia, samba, and merengue in no time! When the Latin beats wear you out, you'll be sure to get some hiphop, Bollywood, and belly-dancing, too.
One of the best parts of a Zumba class is being in a room full of people that just want to have fun and get fit while they're at it! If you're still too shy to try a Zumba class nearby, get your hands on a DVD and warm up your dance moves in the privacy of your living room — by yourself or with your closest friends. Before you know it, you will be front and center of a Zumba class at your local gym!