
    Make House Chores Family-Friendly

    Published on Dec 05 2015

    Nobody likes chores. No matter how Moms try to get their kids (and yes even their husbands too!) to help out you end up doing most of the work. From fixing the beds picking up dirty clothes off the floor to taking out the trash and even giving the dog a bath it’s a hard day’s work if left all to one person — MOM.

    You are not alone.
    Let’s face it SuperMoms need that help every now and then. A lot of mothers if not all just can’t seem to get through to their children and spouses to help out especially without the complaining and dragging of feet. Why? Because to them it’s just like work or homework. And nobody wants to work when they’re home.
    Dictating and demanding responsibility from your family just doesn’t work. Plus they’ll resent the chore even more. So how can you get that extra hand you need to get your homes clean and orderly?

    Know Your Target Market.
    How old are your children? What are their interests hobbies or talents? Customize the task based on the family member’s strengths. Say a child of yours is an artist. Allow your child to set the table for dinner. Let them create centerpieces or fold the napkins into creative structures. Or perhaps they’re good at sports. Buy a basketball hoop at any toy store or sporting shop that can be suctioned or hooked above your clothes hamper. Let them shoot the dirty laundry over the hoop onto the basket. No matter what the task is get them excited and challenged. This gives them that boost to want to do the tasks regularly and perhaps even ahead of schedule.

    Record Their Accomplishments.
    Set goals and let them know they’re accomplishing them. Try creating a progress chart that shows their tasks for the week. For every task done on time they can place a check mark or a gold star beside it. After the end of each week they can view their progress and let them feel good about their accomplishments.

    Reward Them for a Job Well Done.
    Everyone likes to get incentives and rewards for a job well done. Let them appreciate the hard work they do and being rewarded is just the icing on the cake.

    And to top it off, reward your family with a meal that’s both easy and delicious from the Del Monte Kitchenomics website. The recipes are so easy and fun your husband may even do the cooking!
