
    5 Hacks for Organizing Large Families

    Published on Dec 19 2016

    Big families mean that there's a lot of love to go around, but it's also a test in organization for parents. Already challenging tasks from daily meal planning to house cleaning becomes an even bigger hurdle to overcome, but it's not impossible.

    Here are some tips on how to organize your large family:

    5 Hacks for Organizing Large Families

    Invest in and organize bins and baskets.
    Assign a color to one person in the family, and assign particular bins and baskets to one room or task such as laundry, toys, or even every day school items.

    5 Hacks for Organizing Large Families

    Post the family's schedule and contact details in one place.
    These can be easily done on an excel sheet or word document on the computer and printed out. Laminate it to protect it from every day wear and tear. Put it in an area that everyone in the family can see, such as the fridge door or on the inside of the front door.

    5 Hacks for Organizing Large Families

    Assign tasks.
    Delegation is half the battle with big families, and when made a habit you nag a lot less. Don't be afraid to give younger children responsibilities they can do, such as picking up after themselves or putting things in their respective place. Older children can even look after your home and chores in day shifts when parents and trusted guardians are out of the house.

    5 Hacks for Organizing Large Families

    Set signals.
    Remember the first scene of the Von Trapp siblings in A Sound of Music when they come downstairs at a whistle? You can do the same. Have a schoolbell, a unique ringtone, or even a shell conch that family members can recognize. Assign a place, such as the dining room, and make sure everyone in the family knows it's the signal to gather there.

    5 Hacks for Organizing Large Families

    Have breakfast ready to go.
    Healthy breakfast items such as oatmeal, cereal, fruits, bread, and fruit can already be bought in bulk. For the big and busy family, it's best to just line these up on the table so every one can easily grab one to eat or to eat on the go when they're in a hurry.

    Try these hacks and you will not only get your family more involved at home, you get to spend more time and bond with them. For more ideas on how to get your spouse and kids more involved, check out these ideas.
