
    Don’t Forget To Stock Your Pantry With These Staples

    Published on Dec 05 2015

    This has happened to many of us in the past. We've gotten ourselves out of bed early in the morning, ready to whip up something delicious for the kids and your loving spouse. The sun is out, the birds are chirping and in the middle of cooking, you realize that you don't have enough eggs, or that the calamansi are dry, and the tomatoes have become overripe.

    Careful planning and purchasing of ingredients can help prevent this from happening again or from happening too often. By checking the expiry dates of the products you pick up at the supermarket, and by writing down what you plan to make for the week before even hitting the supermarket lanes, you can save yourself from the anguish and the trouble of heading back to the grocery store early in the morning or in the middle of the week, after a full day at work.

    There are times though, when we can't always plan everything down to the last digit. A trick around this is to keep a few things on hand always. Here are a few:

    1. Garlic
    We don't give garlic the credit it deserves! Garlic can do a lot for a simple dish and it is almost always a perfect start-off point for soups, sauces, and stir-fried dishes. The next time you're having a warm, toasty slice of garlic bread, imagine how it would've been if there was no garlic!

    2. Spaghetti and Pasta Sauces
    Sometimes, all we need is just a spaghetti meal. Having pasta and keeping a few packs of Del Monte Tomato-Based Sauces on hand can go a long way! Take a cue from these recipes on how easy they are to prepare.

    3. Rice
    Whether it's for breakfast, lunch, dinner, most of us feel that a meal is not complete without rice! It's such a versatile ingredient to cook, you can whip up almost anything from a simple fried rice to a warm congee to even a healthy kind of rice salad.

    4. Onions
    From soups to anything savory, onions are a staple of so many delicious dishes. An excellent aromatic for any dish, these can add sharpness when eaten raw and sweetness when it's cooked longer.

    5. Oil
    It's not used simply as a cooking oil, but it can also add flavor to the dish. If you're looking to make vinaigrettes or dips, it's a good idea to have olive oil in hand!

    Preparation is the key to enjoyable and hassle-free cooking (and eating) everyday. Just make sure to have enough of these basics in your pantry supplies so you're always ready to go!

    Need to know what else you need to have in your pantry? Read this and see if you need to re-stock on these essentials.
