Fiesta Cream Cheese and Strawberry Trifle Recipe
A decadent dessert, perfect for date nights at home.
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Categories : Dessert, Fruit & Del Monte Fruit Cocktail
Preparation Time : 5 min.
Cooking Time : 15 mins.
Serving Size : 5
- 1 cup cream cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup condensed milk
- 1/2 cup all-purpose cream, chilled
- 5 pcs mamon, sliced into 2
- 1 can DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail (432g), drained
- 300 g strawberry, fresh, trimmed
1. Beat the cream cheese with a wooden spoon or whisk until smooth.
2. Add the condensed milk and cream then mix well.
3. Layer the ingredients in a clear glass by following this order: mamon, cream cheese mixture, DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail, mamon, cream cheese mixture then top with strawberries.
Lusog Notes
This dessert is high in vitamin A that helps maintain eye health and promotes normal growth and development. It also provides calcium that makes bones and teeth strong.
Chef`s Tip
A trifle is a dessert made with layers of cake, fruit and custard or cream. Show the beautiful and colorful layers of this dessert by using a clear glass container.
Cooking Skills Needed
- Layering
- Mixing
Cooking Tools Needed
- Measuring Cups
- Spatula
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