Hamon Bulakenya ni Rheeza Recipe
Ka-Kitchenomics Rheeza Hernandez shares a special family recipe she’s inherited.
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Categories : Main Dish, Pork & Del Monte Pineapple
Preparation Time : 15 min.
Cooking Time : 1 hr.
Serving Size : 10
- 1 kg pork, liempo, boneless, skinless
- 2 Tbsp salt, rock
- 4 Tbsp sugar, white
- 1/2 tsp prague powder
- 1 can DEL MONTE 100% Pineapple Juice with Vitamins A, C & E (240ml)
- 1/2 cup sugar, brown
- 1 cup beer
- 2 pcs star anise
- 2 Tbsp sugar, white
1. Using a fork, prick the liempo all around to ensure the salt and sugar will be able to penetrate the meat. Set aside.
2. Mix the rock salt, sugar, and prague powder in a bowl. Rub and cover the meat with the mixture. Place in a covered container and refrigerate for 3 days.
3. After 3 days, remove the liempo from the mixture and wash the meat very well to remove the excess salt.
4. In a pot, mix DEL MONTE 100% Pineapple Juice with ACE, brown sugar, beer, and star anise. Add the drained liempo. Bring to a boil and simmer until tender.
5. Once tender, remove the liempo from the sauce and place it on a tray. Sprinkle the top with sugar, then, using a hot iron or sianse/turner, pat the meat to allow the sugar to caramelize.
Chef`s Tip
Cooking Skills Needed
- Boiling
- Mixing
- Simmering
Cooking Tools Needed
- Chopping Board
- Measuring Spoon
- Rubber Spatula
- Mixing Bowl
- Measuring Cups
- Pot
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