Fiesta Mochie Recipe
Here's a fruity twist to mochie balls.

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Categories : Dessert, Fruit & Del Monte Fruit Cocktail
Preparation Time : 15 min.
Cooking Time : 45 mins.
Serving Size : 6
- 1 1/2 Tbsp peanuts, roasted and chopped
- 1 Tbsp sesame seeds, toasted
- 1 can DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail (432g), drained, and coarsely chopped
- 1/3 cup sugar, white
- 500 g galapong
- 2 cup coconut cream
- 1/3 cup sugar, white
- pinch of salt
1. Combine peanuts, sesame seeds, DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail and sugar in a pan. Cook uncovered over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 10-15 minutes or until dry. Set aside.
2. Form every 1 tablespoon of galapong into balls, then flatten. Place 1 1/2 tsps of fruit cocktail mixture at the center. Gather edges of galapong at the center then press to close. Shape into balls. Set aside.
3. Arrange malagkit balls in ungreased non-stick pan. Heat all sides until slightly brown. Add gata, sugar and salt then cover and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and turn once.
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