    Del Monte Kitchenomics Logo Recipe

    Sweet And Sour Tofu Fish Recipe

    Sweet and Sour Fish is made extra-special with this recipe.

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    Sweet And Sour Tofu Fish Recipe

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    Categories : Main Dish & Seafood
    Preparation Time : 10 min.
    Cooking Time : 25 mins.
    Serving Size : 6

    • 500 g dalagang bukid, filleted and cut into chunks
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1 cup oil, for frying


    1. Season fish with salt. Fry until golden brown. Set aside.
    2. Using a new pan, sauté garlic, ginger, and leeks or green onions. Add water, salt, white sugar, pepper, and the rest of the ingredients except fish. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add fish. Allow to simmer.

    Lusog Notes
    This recipe is rich in protein which is essential for the maintenance and repair of body tissues. Protein also acts as an antibody, where it attaches itself to viruses or bacteria to help protect the body.
    Chef`s Tip
    Make sure the oil is hot by placing the handle of a wooden spoon into the oil. Small bubbles should form at the surface of the handle.
    Cooking Skills Needed
    • Sautéing
    • Simmering
    • Slicing
    Cooking Tools Needed
    • Measuring Cups
    • Spatula
    • Chopping Board
    • Measuring Spoon
    • Sauce Pan





